Dietary advice for obesity and how to lose weight correctly: nutrition, exercise, and rate of weight loss
The only proper way to lose weight. Dreaming of slimness, you need to understand that the only way to lose weight effectively, and not just for a short period to lose a few extra pounds is to “burn” all your extra kilograms, using them as fuel for the metabolism and daily activity…
To burn off your reserves, you need to have energy consumption exceeding energy inputs. This is the only way to achieve your goal!
There are only two ways to achieve this goal.
1 Reduce the nutritional value of your diet, by changing your eating behavior.
2 Provide yourself with extra physical activity
Table of Contents
How to eat properly
Dietary advice for obesity can be a compulsory deficit of kilocalories if you keep the same intensity of activity, and reduce your energy intake itself by reducing the average daily calorie intake. And remember: consume fewer calories, not the amount of food! For this purpose, consider the caloric content of food. We recommend in our dietary advice for obesity refraining from abusing sugar, baked goods, and high-fat products.
The diet must be well-balanced. To achieve ideal body weight, some people try many things, including one-sided, incomplete, mono-diet, when they are offered to eat for months with a predominance of one product – the cereal or animal protein, to drink a lot, to use tinctures of quite strong herbs, etc.
Usually, after a lot of agonies, most people find their own mistake. But it is better not to do it, not to listen to bad advice and not to ruin your metabolism, which is not too good as it is!
Even a low-calorie diet, organized for a period of weight loss, should be maximally varied, tasty, and rich in vitamins and minerals.
Remember about the protein and vitamins. Your diet should contain the established amount of highly digestible protein (eggs, fish, meat, dairy products), the required amount of carbohydrates, and the daily age-appropriate amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Eat more often and avoid feelings of hunger. Hunger will activate your nutrient storage mechanisms.
For an optimal rate of weight loss, choose a daily caloric intake of 500-600 kilocalories less than your daily energy requirements.
Rules for exercise
Do you have to exercise actively to optimize weight loss? How to dose exercise so that it burns off excess fat? Is it possible to develop an optimal exercise program that helps get rid of excess pounds in the shortest possible time? All these questions are of great concern to many people who want to look beautiful and young!
First, understand that being overweight is not because of banal ” overeating”, but precisely because of the body’s internal attitude toward getting an extra “portion of tasty” calories. The main reason for this is the excess of energy consumption (at the expense of food) over the daily energy expenditure. Being in such a regime and trying to reduce weight by increasing the intensity of physical activity, someone will probably not achieve a positive result. Although exercising will help to improve your health and become more fit.
You can regularly swim, twist a hoop, do other exercises that will help to some extent to improve your figure, increase muscle mass and posture, but for weight loss, these exercises are not enough. The fact is that the human body will proportionately demand (and be sure to receive) additional energy to make up for it.
The first thing to do before increasing the energy expenditure is to reset, readjust your feelings. This technique is called autogenic programming, and with its help, you can solve the problem of lack of motivation in the shortest possible time.
You can and should walk more, and if possible, swim regularly. Such activity as Nordic walking is helpful, especially for the elderly and those who have a sedentary lifestyle.
Your exercises should be moderate, far from athletic. If you do exhausting workouts, trying to slim down your belly, or if you train regularly for a long time, do a lot of physical exercises on fitness equipment, you can return to the fat replenishment mode, and then all the work done will be useless.
Let’s summarize: In the dietary advice for obesity, you can and should do exercises regularly. The main thing is to do them in moderation, without stressing the body. And then success in losing weight will come!
Lose excess weight gradually
Fat tissue has significant functions in our bodies. Our kidneys lie snugly in their fatty “beds” and are therefore less exposed to shocks, unexpected jolts, or hits. But suddenly the owner lost ten kilograms and started “starving”. He does not eat almost anything and drinks only water, but does not get off the exercise bike for hours. As a result, he became noticeably emaciated, fell off his face, became pale, and in addition, he got heaviness and pain in the lower back. And it is no wonder: the fat quickly left the fat pad of kidneys during the fasting and made them hanging on the ligaments: as a result, the ureters were bent, congestive pyelonephritis began.
So another rule of weight loss in our dietary advice for obesity: It is better to lose weight at such a pace that all other tissues and organs of the body have time to adapt to the changing volumes with no harm to your health.
Another example is the skin and how it looks. (Women should read this paragraph for sure!) If fat leaves the cells too quickly, and the consumption of too much water causes its retention in the tissues, then there are so-called weight-loss edemas. As a result, the skin loses elasticity, sags, and becomes flabby. And this is not what was expecting a person, especially a woman, who wants to be slim and beautiful!
And finally, the third one: immunity. Nowadays almost all people, not only those who are trying to lose weight, know that it is essential to protect themselves against infections and tumors, so immune cells function accurately.
Scientists have found that an excess of “soot” in the body interferes with immune cells, depressing them. But our immune system of people is already quite injured by bad ecology, crowding of people in megacities. Sometimes do we need to be reminded of the need to keep it in order? Follow our dietary advice for obesity and being healthy.
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