types of diets that work fast

6 types of diets that work fast


There are different types of diets that work fast. Usually, when people decide to lose weight, they thoroughly review their diet. There are two outcomes in such a case: to balance the diet and exercise regime and bring the bodyweight back to normal in the mode of losing 0.5-2 kg per week, or slim down quickly on one of the extreme but effective diets.

Which of these options works for you? You can find the answer to the question by yourself. Although, statistics say that most people prefer learning types of diets that work fast since they always want to see the result in just a few days!

Today we will tell you of the most popular and effective diets that can help you lose a few extra pounds in just a few days!

1. Six Petals Diet

types of effective diets

This diet was developed by the famous nutritionist from Sweden, Anna Johansson, to help women lose weight without much effort. The final result of the diet was the combination of several mono-diets into one diet. It has been approved by many nutritionists and recognized to be effective.

The point of the diet is that you can eat certain types of foods for six days. Each day there is only one type of food. The plan was designed to affect certain foods in a person’s metabolic processes.

It is vital to keep the order of the consistency of the diet.

First day: fish

You should eat any food on this day, except fried fish.

Second day: vegetables

There is no difference, whether raw, boiled, or fried. The main thing is to eat only vegetables.

The third day: chicken breast.

Only chicken breasts are allowed to eat. Legs, wings, and other types are prohibited.

Day four: Grain

Only grains and cereals, cereal slices of bread.

Fifth day: cottage cheese.

This day only cottage cheese and low-fat milk.

Sixth day: fruits.

Only fruits and juices without sugar are allowed.

If you follow all the diet rules, proteins and carbohydrates alternate in your body. This speeds up the metabolism, and the body begins to get resources from fat reserves and burn the fat.

You eat separate meals. This means that you stop having incompatible foods facing each other in your body. As a result, foods are fully digested and stop being deposited in fat.

Mono Diet. It was proven that using a mono-diet for more than a day strongly affects fat tissues. Because of this, it burns fat faster.

At the end of the diet, many girls lost four to six pounds after only six days of dieting.

2. Rice diet

The rice diet is quite an effective diet plan to lose weight.


Rice is a beneficial solution for fast weight loss due to its low-calorie content and many macros and micronutrients. We recommend using brown rice instead of white rice because of its healthy composition.


types of weight loss diets

German doctor Walter Kempner developed the rice diet in 1939 for his patients.

Now, this diet is used for weight loss and for fighting obesity, cellulite, diabetes, and many other diseases. In addition, bodybuilders use it as a rapid weight loss method during the drying period.

Let us consider a complex menu for three days and a light, gentle menu for nine days.

It helps you lose weight by 3-4 kilograms. Each meal includes brown rice and a glass of water.

The daily diet should include fruits, vegetables (boiled, stewed, and steamed), and low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt).

It guarantees to lose 7-9 kilos in weight. It is divided into three stages, each lasting for three days.

During the first stage, you can eat dried fruit, fruit and vegetable salads, and slices of bread together with brown rice.

At the second stage, instead of dried fruits: nuts, salads, vegetable broth, bread, low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt).

The third stage includes eating brown rice, lean meat of turkey, beef, duck or fish, vegetable or fruit salad. As with the three-day menu, a drinking water intake is of great importance. You have to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.


Do not forget to consult with a professional before choosing any diet. It is necessary to consider that rice is a low-calorie food and contains insufficient amounts of protein, so this menu is not designed to be used permanently. All types of diets that work fast have a temporary duration, and this one is no exception.

3. Ducan Diet

French nutritionist Pierre Ducan created and developed this diet back in 2000. He claimed that if you follow all the rules and recommendations of the diet, it is possible to lose up to five kg in a week.

You can only eat protein included in the list of allowed foods and limit yourself with carbohydrates. This is because the nutritionist believed that it is the carbohydrate that causes weight gain and causes swelling.

Principles of the diet

types of different diets

This diet is scheduled for a couple of months, and its duration depends on the initial weight and the result you want to achieve. As mentioned earlier, you can eat food any time you wish to, but the main thing is to stick to the rules:

– remove fatty meat from the diet fatty meat, but you should retain skinless chicken or turkey; you can eat steamed, grilled, or boiled fish;

– you can eat sweet yogurts and additives, but make sure that they are low-fat;

– a minimum of sugar and salt. Instead, you can use sugar substitutes, natural spices, herbs, and homemade sauces.

– You can eat plenty of vegetables, but not starch-rich ones;

– Eat a spoonful of bran every day.

Also, it is necessary to remember about the water balance, drink one and a half liters of water a day, and walk 20-30 minutes a day.

Diet phases

The diet is divided into several phases, depending on how long you keep the diet.

– Attack.

It lasts between 3 and 7 weeks. During this time, you can eat foods rich in protein: meat, fish, and eggs. It is worth remembering about water, and you can consume food at any time.

– Cruise

It lasts for 1 or 2 months, and the essence of this phase is that you start eating not only protein but add vegetables in unlimited quantities. Of course, you can eat vegetables in any form, but you should refrain from vegetables that contain a lot of starch.

– Consolidation

The duration of the stage depends on how many kilos you have already lost. It usually lasts for a month. You are allowed to eat fruit and bread once a day during this stage. Also, 1-2 times a week, you can give yourself a Cheatmeal and eat everything you want.

– Stabilization

During this stage, you return to your usual eating habits, but observe a few rules:

– Once a week, there should be a day when you eat only protein;

– Bran must be available on the diet regularly.

Advantages of the diet

– fast weight loss;

– There is no feeling of hunger or starvation;

– A somewhat varied and affordable menu;

– No restrictions on the amount and timing of meals;

– only natural and fresh products.

Disadvantages of the diet

– Not suitable for pregnant or nursing women and children under 18;

– As a large amount of protein is consumed, there may be problems with digestion or constipation;

– Sometimes, it is difficult for people not to consume carbohydrates because it is necessary for mental function.

4. Tomato diet

types of diets

A tomato diet will help you lose weight and improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract. It is accessible and valuable, and the main advantage is its effectiveness. Tomatoes have a shallow glycemic index of only 10.

The actual results are losing 2-3 kilograms in 3 days—people who want to lose more need a more extended period, about two weeks.

There are several variations of the diet. Everyone can choose the most optimal one for themselves.

The main component is tomato juice. Homemade and store-bought juice will do. It is essential to prefer freshly squeezed juice because it does not contain any valuable substances after processing.

Contraindication is for diarrhea and heartburn.

Typically, the menu is planned either for three days or a week. It is allowed to eat eggs, apples, low-fat cottage cheese, and cheese. The main rule is to drink a glass of tomato juice after each meal.

Other varieties of this diet include the addition of buckwheat or rice of your choice. However, they are complicated because of the monotony of the components. Sugar, salt, and oil are prohibited. For those engaged in heavy physical labor, these types are not recommended since you may feel weakness or dizziness.

The classic version of the tomato diet is suitable for almost everyone. Its advantages are:

– The metabolism speeds up;

– The body increases its defenses;

– Hazardous substances are excreted. Radiation, for example;

– It has a laxative effect;

– Strengthens bones;

– Burns fat cells.

There is a feeling of lightness during and at the end of the diet. The body is cleansed and ready for weight loss. Tomatoes have an excellent effect on the heart and blood vessels.

5. Japanese diet for 7 or 14 days

The phrase “Japanese diet” appeared long ago in the vocabulary of dietitians. Everyone has long been familiar with Japanese cuisine, so they assume it is rice, fish, soy sauce, or seafood.

However, the point of the Japanese diet is precisely to limit the intake of carbohydrates and fats.

The very principle of eating is considered the origin of the diet. However, the Japanese are very frugal in their gastronomic preferences and the amount of food.

types of weight loss diets

The basis of the diet is protein food. It can be boiled fish, eggs, seafood, meat, poultry, and dairy products without additives. It is also allowed to consume fresh fruits and vegetables without restriction. It is necessary to strictly observe the drinking regime – 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. Sugar and salt are excluded from the diet. Coffee and green tea are allowed to be used, but the usual additions such as milk and sugar are forbidden.

For the standard human diet, such a diet will affect the body, so it is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets, baked goods, sugar, and salt in advance.

The number of meals is three times a day. You can have a little snack if necessary, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

If you strictly follow the requirements for eating, you can lose 3 to 9 kilos during this period.

The body will receive an excessive amount of protein during the diet, so the duration of such a diet is 7 or 14 days. Therefore, it is necessary to stop keeping the diet and consult a doctor with any indisposition.

This diet is contraindicated for people with seafood proteins, milk protein, and other protein allergies.

In general, if you follow the diet principle and have a positive attitude, the result will not ultimately make you wait and justify itself.

6. Kefir diet

Kefir is an incredibly healthy and low-calorie lactic drink, which can help to reduce weight if drunk correctly. There are many varieties of the kefir diet. One of its most popular variations involves drinking 1.5 liters of 1% kefir for a week. You need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir and eat 400 grams of nutrient-rich but low-calorie foods per day.

On the first you can eat 400g baked or boiled potatoes, the second day – 400g of cheese, the third day – 400g of fruit (except grapes and bananas), the fourth day – 400g of boiled chicken filets, the fifth and seventh day of the diet – 400g of fruit. On the sixth day, you should only drink non-carbonated water (1.5-2 liters) and weak tea without sugar, and the kefir is unnecessary.

Combining a kefir diet with physical exercises is not recommended because it may be too exhausting for the body and lead to severe consequences.

According to some versions, Texas shepherds invented this diet, who were trying to get in shape by consuming large quantities of kefir. Another version says that one famous show business star created the diet. You can lose 5 kg during a week by keeping such a diet, which means it is an excellent result.

However, you should remember that despite the benefits of kefir, the drink can not give the human body all the necessary substances, so this diet is considered quite challenging and exhausting. Therefore, if you feel unwell, you should stop the diet and replenish the missing elements.


Keeping your goal in mind is vital to stay motivated during the weight-loss period. Also, try to make this period enjoyable: do not close yourself off, communicate, walk in the fresh air, do sports. Finally, do not forget to drink at least 2 liters of pure mineral water a day, eat in small portions, and then you will experience the diet more efficiently.

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